Highcliffe village website banner, has email and homepage links
News and Changes

February 17, 2025


Here's a surprise - to me anyway, as I thought the building was probably listed.
An application has been made to demolish the Lord Bute, and build houses on the site. (Comments can be made until March 20.)

It's already made the local press.

Also in the press is a story about a Walkford man jailed for pulling a fake gun when caught shoplifting.


February 14, 2025


A reminder - this Sunday is the first Beach Clean of the year
Meet at the Wave Wall at Friars Cliff. 10:30 - 12:30 as usual.

Bargates and Lymington Road get mentioned.
Road works information

More on romance/online dating fraud.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Items include half term events.
BCP Council newsletter


February 12, 2025


Still no sign of the SGN works in Lymington Road, which were supposed to start on Monday, and last until the end of March.
These are the works that have caused the delay to the major City Fibre mayhem through the village.
It looks like we've got lots to come - maybe they are waiting until Spring, so as to cause much more trouble when the visitors start arriving.

Romance fraud and how to avoid it.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


February 10, 2025


Butcher Joe's - which opens tomorrow, has made the ECHO. Read about Joe Willoughby, his history and philosophy.

More on Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


February 7, 2025


Below is the reply I received from the BCP Street Works Team about the Lymington Road closures that didn't happen - yet!
They will be back at some stage. The other Lymington Road planned works mentioned (SGN installations) are due to start next week, and will run until the end of March - nearly six weeks!! (Between Shelley Close and St. George's Court.)
There is also work planned for Somerford Road (and other locations around Christchurch).
Regarding the works set to take place on Lymington Road, originally, City Fibre submitted a permit that was granted for works to occur between 13th Jan and 7th Feb as you said.
However, the works were cancelled, and City Fibre submitted a request on the 17th Jan, for works to instead take place between the 20th Jan and 14th Feb. This request was refused as SGN are due to start works further along Lymington Road on the 10th Feb and there would be a clash of works.

Road works information

Butcher Joe's - the new butcher at 358 Lymington Road, opens on Tuesday (February 11). Fruit and veg will also be stocked.

Three subjects included, included the rise in the Police precept.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

The February 2025 edition of OUR NEWS is here

Highlights include:
* Guidance on spotting Romance fraud and scams
* SimpliSafe demonstrates the importance of Professional Monitoring when it comes to home security
* Phonely provides answers and information on how to prevent scam calls with their services
* We celebrate a decade of partnership with Patlock!

What's on in libraries. Quite a lot it seems.
BCP Council newsletter

Changes: HRA Quiz Night added to What's On

February 1, 2025


I'm trying to find out why the well publicised works in Lymington Road haven't started. There are other planned works nearby, including the closure of Bargates, which will make delays in Christchurch inevitable (see link below).
Road works information

Traffic delays in Chrustchurch this month.

More on the battle against knife crime.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

An interesting collection of articles.
BCP Council newsletter


February 5, 2025


For boat owners, Harbour Watch are holding a FREE Security Afloat Day next month. Free, but tickets required.
Also a warning of Valentine's Day chocolate scam.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Noisy Lobster will reopen on February 6, following refurbishment.

Changes coming for recycling service for businesses and workplaces across the BCP Council area.


February 2, 2025


As expected, another application has been submitted for the woodland at Jesmond Avenue.
This one is for nine houses, and seeks "permission in principle". Consultation peiod end on February 6, so only a couple of weeks to add your comments. (Don't forget you have to hit the Accept Terms and Conditions button, at bottom left of the page.)

While on planning matters, I'm pleased to see that The Beach Hut Cafe has been granted permission to improve the (sometimes covered) patio area,

We all know about the Lymington Road works (and the published end date is probably optimistic to say the least, as the works started late). There are one or two others around the area to be aware of as well.
Road works information

More on the Booking.com scam doing the rounds.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Wide range of subjects in this one.
BCP Newsletter


January 21, 2025


The Lymington Road works, which have now started (around the car park entrance) are generating considerable activity.
Councillor Andy Martin has sent an angry emaial to the Streetworks team and manager seeking clarification and more information,
Given that the road will be closed to all except emergency vehicles, so no deliveries to businesses, and the possibility that access might be denied to homes and shops, i'll give you the reply Cllr Martin received from the BCP Council official,
Sophie Garrett, Network Permit Officer, Planning and Transport.

"I can confirm that the TTRO closes only one of the two car park entrances, and the parking bay suspension will only be used in sections as when needed to provide pedestrian walkways within temporary signals, it will not be the whole high street at once.

Works were originally due to start on 13/01, but due to the emergency gas escape that also had lights, we had to delay City Fibre’s start. They will be working 09:30-16:30 with multi-way signals between now and up to 7th Feb. The TTRO advert should have been publicised twice and letter drops sent to affected businesses and residents.

Our NRSWA inspectors John and Rob are keeping an eye on works as they take place to ensure compliance."

As I understand it, the statement that residents and businesses received letters is not true. It wasn't until posters appeared on Thursday last week, that they had any idea of the situation

Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council is discussing the matter at Wednesday's meeting.
I remind everyone that one of Councillor Martin's responsibilities is Portfolio Holder for Complaints.
Andy can be reached at Andy.Martin@bcpcouncil.gov.uk

Witness appeal following an assault/
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


January 20, 2025


As some noticed, there was a problem with the BCP link yesterday.
In fact the whole page was corrupted, and had to be rebuilt.

All is fine now and working properly, including the BCP newsleter link.


January 19, 2025


Yet more on the PCC's request for more money.
"You’re invited to have an in-depth discussion with the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner about this year’s policing precept."
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Following the announcement of upcoming road works in Lymington Road, residents and businesses have only received details over the last couple of days, and not by letter or consultation, but by signs stuck along the route.
There will be no onstreet parking until February 7 at least, but what is of great concern is the statement
to properties will remain depending on site safety".
Which suggests that residents and business owners may be denied access to their homes and shops.

More details can be found through the Road Works link posted on Friday.

As expected, the saga of the future of the Jesmond Avenue woodland continues.

Statement on proposed devolution. Other subjects covered ,including support for working parents, and for the Household Support Fund.

BCP Newsletter


January 17, 2025


Booking.com customers targeted by scammers. Also HMRC tax scams are to be aware of.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Due to retirement, long time website sponsor Happy Hounds is no longer available. This also means there is a prome advertising space on this website. Email for more details.

Closure of the main road entrance to Wortley Road car park, and just about the whole length of Lymington Road, from near the Sports and Social Club almost to the Recreation Ground.
Road works information

New signs have gone up at the new Butcher Joe's (358 Lymington Road) so opening fairly soon hopefully.


January 16, 2025


The final total raised from the Beach Hut Cafe Christmas Day fund raiser was an amazing £11,568.98.
Quite incredible! As usual, the monay will go to Macmillan Caring Locally.

An upcoming webinar on being safe online. It's on Friday at Noon. Okaces are limited so register quickly.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


January 13, 2025


No Highcliffe businesses in the latest round of hygeine inspections, but the Nelson Inn in Mudeford received a 1 (needs major improvement) rating.
The only other one nearby was the De Mountain Masala Indian takeaway in Somerford Road, which received a maximum 5 rating.

Still no online presence for Eyan's Mini Market in Lymington Road, but they do have a phone contact now - 07488 710436.

Highcliffe Beach Bum Blue Tits chill water smimming group added to Community links page.


January 12, 2025


"Coming soon" is a new butcher. Butcher Joe's is moving into 358 Lymington Road, the old Chris Watson Butcher premises.
There's already a website (and a Facebook page.)

It looks like the work in the old Co-op shop is complete, for now at least, as Goadsby's "To Let" signs have appeared.
By the way, there is a rumour (so far unsubstantiated as far as I can telll) that Morrison's may be interested in the premises.

What's On page has events listed until May (so far). EMAIL to have yours added.

Changes: TUI added to Useful links page. (Their flights and holidays fly from over 21 UK airports, to over 70 destinations.
Food and Drink page, and Village plan updated.

January 11, 2025


January edition of the Dorset Police for the BCP area.
January Newsletter

Live Q&A with Council leaders next Tuesday. A range of other subjects as wee, including applying for school places.
BCP Council Newsletter

Why the PCC is asking for more money. Includes another chance to take the survey.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


January 10, 2025


The January OUR WATCH Neighbourhood Watch newsletter is available.
OUr WATCH January

As we know from this week's temporary traffic lights near Sea Corner, and the ensueing chaos, only planned road wirks are included in these reports.
This time however, there are several planned works in and around Highcliffe.
Road works information

Public helped the fight against drink/drug drivers.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


January 6, 2025


A free anti scam/fraud phone app we should all have. Plus the PCC wants harsher punishment for drink/drug drivers.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

The 10 most popular New Forest walks.

New Forest Botanics have created a new range of products on sale in Highcliffe Castle’s gift shop.


January 4, 2025


The link to the survey on the Dorset Police precept in the Neighbourhood Alert page is finally fixed.
However, you can also take the survey below:

Yet again, nothing planned for us next week. (I hope it's not calm before a storm.)
Road works information

New Year bin collection changes - better late than never. Several other subjects covered as well - take a look.
BCP Council Newsletter

Police are looking for the views of remale runners, to better understand harassment.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

What's on news, including lots of talks in various libraries.
BCP Council Newsletter

The Highcliffe Music Festival is at risk of not being held this year. A sitation not helped at all by the disbanding of the HAT (Highcliffe Action Team).


January 3, 2025


The link to the survey on the Dorset Police precept in yesterday's Neighbourhood Alert page
was invalid. The correct link is now in place.


January 2, 2025


Happy New Year Everyone!

Shopfitters are shredding the inside of Ludlams (soon to be Highcliffe News).
The new owner, who also owns other businesses, such as Barton News, is applying for a license to sell alccohol seven days a week, until late.
I cannot yet find the application on the Council website, but I'll add a link when it appears, so we can all see exactly what the plan is.

As usual, large numbers turned out on Christmas morning for the Beach Hut Cafe charity event.
An amazing £7000 was raised in just two hours, a figure which has already grown considerably as donations (and sales of the Cafe's calendar, showing superb photos of the local beach/sea) are coming in from people who could not make the actual event.
As always, all proceeds will go to Macmillan Caring Locally.

It looks like Winter is about to arrive in earnest thia weekend. A yellow warning suggests we may even get some snow.

A reminder. Have your say on the plan to increase the Dorset Police precept.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated


December 28, 2024


Highcliffe Dental Practice (in Diana Court, opposite The Globe) has been rated "Excellent" by the Care Quality Commission.


December 24, 2024


Crackdown on drink and drug affected drivers over the festive period - random stops included.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

It is not just the sign that's changing at Ludlam's Newsagent. Yesterday workmen were replaceing the whole of the shop frontage.

Pebbles Custom Bathrooms (at 406 Lymington Road) now has a website (and other contact inforamtion).

Changes: Homes page updated.

December 20, 2024


CCTV appeal following thefts in Christchurch. Also a witness appeal following suspected arson in Christchurch. Also a survey about the police precept - can it really be a year since we had this offer?.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Nothing planned for this area at all. Plenty in Bournemouth and Pole though.
Road works information

BCP services and opening hours over festive period. Also other matters covered.
BCP Council Newsletter

Transforming travel news.
BCP Council Newsletter


December 13, 2024


Protect yourself against fraud this Christmas.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Nothing for us on the planned list this week. New Milton is a pain at the moment though, with Old Milton Road closed for gas works..
Road works information

Previously mentioned Eyan Mini Market is now open (at 354 Lymington Road).

While on the subject of businesses, I notice that Crystal World (at 353 Lymington Road) has a new website.
An interesting range of goods on offer (and some useful services). Might be worth a look if you are stuck for Christmas gift ideas.

Of particulaat interest if you have young children
BCP Council Newsletter

As usual, the various churches in Highcliffe come together at this time of year. Below is what's planned this month.


December 11, 2024


Witness appeal following a suspicious fire.
Working with STARS Dorset (Sexual Trauma and Recovery Services).
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Christmas period waste collection changes.

Anyone who ever heads for the A35 from New Milton can forget it until March. The road through Bashley is to be completely closed for three months starting on January 6,


December 7, 2024


Lots of arrests in the latest Operation Scorpion drugs crackdown
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Somerford Road (near Purewell Roundabout) until Secember 12, and temporary lights in Stoney Lane are the only news works (planned) this week.
Road works information

Christmas waste collection changes..Several other subjects covered, including household food and energy bills support still being available.
BCP Council Newsletter

A fresh weather warning for Storm Darraghhas been issued for tomorrow.

Planning permission has been granted to change the long vacant 338 Lymington Road (next to Big Wigs bakery) into a food takeaway utlet.


December 5, 2024


Cyber crime survey from Neighbourhood Watch.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

Another yellow weather warning for the weekend.
The Met Office has warned that between 3pm Friday December 6 and 6am Sunday December 8, there will be strong winds (50mph) and heavy rains that could bring disruption.

Library news and events.
BCP Council Newsletter


December 2, 2024


Report drink and/or drug drivers.
Neighbourhood Alert page updated

A bit misleading yesterday - Eyan Mini Market is not open yet - they are still stocking up.

Neighbourhood Watch December newsletter now available.
Lots of good stoff in this one.

Talking of Neighbourhood Watch. You can watch their previous webinars, including those in November on ASB, and anti harassment.



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